Dolphin Drilling Wins Shell Contract

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Dolphin Drilling sad it has secured a contract with AS Norske Shell in Norway for its Borgland Dolphin semi-submersible drilling rig to support the drilling and completion of a gas producer well on the Knarr field starting in early 2020.

The work will commence in February following the completion of two other projects for the rig. Dolphin Drilling recently announced the Borgland Dolphin had secured contracts with i3 Energy for drilling operations on firstly the Liberator oilfield and then the Serenity prospect in the UK’s Central North Sea. The Borgland Dolphin is believed to have set a new standard for the fastest rig turnaround when it was taken from smart stacking to operational mode in just 70 days for the i3 Energy awards.

For the Shell contract, Dolphin Drilling will be working under the operator’s One Team system with integrated drilling and completions providers in a water depth of approximately 450 meters on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

Dolphin Drilling Chief Executive Officer Bjørnar Iversen said, “The Borgland Dolphin is a highly efficient rig with an excellent performance record. Its layout is ideally suited for optimized drilling and completion work and we look forward to securing more activity on the Norwegian continental shelf, the UK continental shelf and further afield internationally.”

The fifth generation drilling and ram rig was completely rebuilt in 1999, part of the deepwater, harsh environment drilling specialist’s fleet of assets, most of which have been recently refurbished to incorporate the latest technology. The Borgland Dolphin also rates as one of the “greenest” mobile drilling units in the North Sea.

Categories: Contracts Drilling Activity Europe Oil Natural Gas Completions

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