Natural Gas News

Trendsetter acquires Wiltor Machine

Jan 07, 2016

Trendsetter Engineering has announced the acquisition of Wiltor Machine, a 6000sq ft precision machine shop in north Houston specializing in complete turnkey, proto‐type, and production machining for the oil and gas industry. This machine shop has experience machining stainless steel…

GMB presses for decom

Jan 07, 2016

GMB, the union for workers in energy industries and the offshore supply chain, has told Amber Rudd, MP, secretary of state for energy and climate change, that delaying offshore installation decommissioning work any further would be catastrophic for jobs and investment…

IHS: M&A deals plunge in 2015

Jan 05, 2016

Despite an ample supply of oil and gas assets on the market due to low oil prices, the overall merger and acquisition (M&A) deal count in the upstream energy sector plunged in 2015 as the weakness and volatility in oil prices made it difficult…

Delta House hits nameplate production

Jan 05, 2016

Louisiana-based LLOG Exploration’s Delta House floating production system (FPS) achieved its nameplate oil capacity of 80,000 b/d in the Gulf of Mexico during the last days of 2015. Image of Delta House…

Production up, but industry still down

Jan 05, 2016

North Sea production rose for the first time in 15 years last year, but, the industry will be extremely challenged to sustain this into 2016 and beyond and job losses are set to continue, industry body Oil & Gas UK warns.  According to government data…

KrisEnergy ups reserves

Jan 04, 2016

Singapore's KrisEnergy has doubled its production of oil and gas in four fields in the Gulf of Thailand, in addition to one onshore gas field in Bangladesh. Together, production stood at 19,935 boe/d as at 1 January 2016. According to KrisEnergy…

Myanmar pays off for Woodside

Jan 04, 2016

Woodside Energy has made a gas discovery offshore Myanmar giving hope to the string of majors who entered the country following its emergence from sanction driven isolation.  Woodside made the discovery on the Shwe Yee Htun-1 exploration well in Block A-6 in the Rakhine Basin…

Giving ABK a boost

Jan 01, 2016

Abdelghani Henni reports on how French major Total is keeping the ABK field offshore Abu Dhabi up and running past its initial life span, and beyond, serving as a pilot project for other major fields in the country. ABK…

Regulator wants more info on Israeli field

Dec 31, 2015

Israeli authorities have asked for more information before declaring the Dolphin natural gas discovery a commercial discovery.  The declaration of the field as a discovery by the authorities will pave the way for it to be developed as part of the Leviathan project…

Shell flows at Corrib off Ireland

Dec 30, 2015

Shell started first natural gas production from the Corrib field, off the northwest coast of Ireland. Corrib start up. Image from Shell. Corrib is located 83km off Ireland’s northwest coast in nearly 350m water depth…

Petronas PFLNG1 construction at 95%

Dec 30, 2015

The Petronas floating LNG1 (PFLNG1) has reached a 95% overall progress in its construction and will come onstream in 2016, the company said. In late September, Petronas began lifting the first topside module for its PFLNG1 facility at…

DW: Slow going for offshore prospects in 2016

Dec 28, 2015

This year, the offshore oil and gas industry has had to come to terms with the worst downturn for more than a decade. With commodity prices plummeting to an eleven-year low in December, it is time to reflect on the year gone by and consider the outlook for the year to come…

Total fined for 2012 Elgin leak

Dec 22, 2015

Total's UK subsidiary (Total E&P UK Ltd) has been fined a record £1.125 million (US$1.67 million) after it admitted failures that led to largest release of gas on record from the Elgin offshore platform in 2012. The fine was passed down by the Sheriff Court in Aberdeen…

DW: World LNG spend to reach $241 billion

Dec 22, 2015

Capital expenditure (Capex) on LNG facilities has risen substantially in recent years, mostly due to growth in the global economy which has been driving demand for natural gas. Douglas-Westwood (DW) forecasts that this trend is set to continue…

Israel framework paves way for Leviathan

Dec 17, 2015

Noble Energy received the green light from the Israeli government on 17 December, to move forward with the development of Leviathan and the Tamar expansion, despite a last attempt from the Israeli Forum for the Protection of the Coastline that petitioned the High Court to not approve the plan…

Current News

Extreme Asian Heat Spurs LNG Demand Ahead of Summer Months

Bardex Mooring System Takes Home Woelfel BMEA Award

Solstad’s Normand Navigator Boards ROVs Ahead of New Job

EMGS Scores $3.4M Multi-Client Surveys in Norway

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