Offshore Regulations - page 76

A systematic approach to ship safety

Oct 14, 2012

New software developed by naval architects and marine engineering consultants Safety at Sea to address the International Maritime Organization's challenging regulations on a ship's safe return offers potential for aspects of offshore vessel design…

Challenges aplenty, but subsea set fair

Oct 14, 2012

‘An exciting future for the subsea business' was predicted by Ross Kinnear, head of subsea operations in BP's North Sea SPU, when he addressed Subsea UK's annual flagship conference in Aberdeen last month. David Morgan reviews some of the Subsea 2011 highlights…

Keeping pipe corrosion at bay

Oct 10, 2012

Ice floes are not the only threat to Arctic offshore infrastructure; pipework in the region is also extremely vulnerable to corrosion. Jennifer Pallanich discusses cold climate corrosion control techniques with NAC E International's Oliver Moghissi…

Bridging the P&A gap

Sep 01, 2012

New and expanding regulations governing the growing number of ageing offshore oilfields are pushing the industry to develop safe, innovative and fit-for-purpose technologies for well plug and abandonment (P&A) operations and late-stage interventions…

Class action

Sep 01, 2012

The traditionally risk-averse offshore oil & gas industry has long relied on not just following regulations set out by governments but also requirements outlined by classification societies to ensure their operations are safe. As water depths…

Mexico's chief regulator hopeful despite disappointing bid round

Aug 01, 2012

Mexico's latest licensing round only the second in state oil company Pemex's long history, made possible by recent exploration & production contract reforms failed to draw a successful bid for the offshore blocks on offer. Russell McCulley talks to Juan Carlos Zepeda Molina…

Working out worst-case discharges

Jul 01, 2012

Regulatory enhancements prompted by the macondo disaster now require operators to submit a worst-case discharge (WCd) scenario report prior to obtaining a drilling permit in US offshore fields. How to model WCd for offshore wells in compliance…

Subsea tiebacks struggle from Macondo's grip

Jun 01, 2012

OE's latest review of deepwater subsea tieback projects ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico shows the region is still suffering from the after-effects of the drilling moratorium that followed in the April 2010 Macondo disaster's wake. Jennifer Pallanich…

Energy policy looms large in Mexico election

Jun 01, 2012

Mexicans go to the polls 1 July to elect a new president and congress. Polls suggest big gains for the institutional Revolutionary Party which dominated post-revolutionary Mexican politics for seven decades. Will a new administration have the…

BP burnishes safety image

Jun 01, 2012

Two years after Macondo, BP launched an all-out effort at OTC 2012 to demonstrate its commitment to safety and to its future in the Gulf of Mexico. Russell McCulley reports.Among the many legacies of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout is what's…

Arctic cap fits

Jun 01, 2012

A fit-for-purpose capping stack designed to cope with Alaska’s environmental extremes will play a key role in the US Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)-compliant containment system Shell Exploration & Production has put together…

Macondo: the lessons we learned

May 01, 2012

In a perceptive and timely contribution to the ongoing Macondo debate, US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement director James Watson spelled out the key lessons learned from the disaster in a Houston Chronicle opinion piece last month…

A knotty problem put to the sword

Apr 01, 2012

Iran is a problem that can be resolved as Alexander the Great solved the Gordian knot – whatever cannot be untied can be cut. Although a sudden and catastrophic event, buoyed by headlines, may push the price of oil to over $150, measures already taken will settle the situation relatively quickly…

Bromwich disputes drilling backlog

Mar 02, 2012

BOEMRE director Michael Bromwich vows that deepwater drilling will return to the US Gulf of Mexico in the coming months, marking a return of exploration all but shut down after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. But the oil & gas industry remains skeptical…

Arctic aspirations

Mar 02, 2012

In a world where two things are certain – death and taxes – Arctic exploration does offer a certain amount of certainty: just a little bit of information can completely alter the way the industry views a specific Arctic area. Industry leaders…

Current News

Hornbeck Offshore Installs New DP Simulator

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Borr Drilling Scoops $332M in Three Jack-Up Rig Contracts

Twin Brothers Marine Assists US Northeast Coast Offshore Wind Development

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