CGG Kicks off OBN Survey in US Gulf

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

CGG announced Tuesday it has commenced its first multi-client ocean bottom node (OBN) survey.

Located in the north-central region of the Gulf of Mexico, this dense OBN survey will provide well-sampled, full azimuthal coverage with long offsets, to deliver exceptional data for imaging the geologically complex structures in Mississippi Canyon, the company said.

According to Seabed Geosolutions, a joint venture between CGG and Fugro, the 3D node project will utilize its advanced 4C technology CASE Abyss ocean bottom nodes, deployed by remotely operated vehicles to 2,100 meter water depths, illuminating a challenging target area in one of the deepest offshore production areas in the world.

Acquisition services are being provided by Seabed Geosolutions and the data will be processed by CGG Geoscience’s Subsurface Imaging in Houston. CGG said implementation of its most advanced OBN processing techniques will provide a fine-tuned velocity model and improved definition of drilling targets.

Preliminary products will be available in the third quarter of 2019, and final products are expected in the first quarter of 2020.

Supported by industry prefunding, CGG’s Mississippi Canyon Node survey paves the way for further CGG multi-client OBN surveys in the future, CGG said.

Sophie Zurquiyah, CEO, CGG, said, “We are pleased to initiate our first multi-client OBN survey, in this strongly growing market, as clients take advantage of the enhanced geologic understandings that OBN data and advanced imaging can deliver.”

Stephan Midenet, CEO, Seabed Geosolutions, said, “We are excited to embark on our first OBN project with CGG over the highly prospective Mississippi Canyon area using our proven CASE Abyss node technology. The survey will combine our expertise in ocean bottom seismic operations with CGG’s advanced OBN imaging technology and experience.”

Categories: Offshore Energy Hydrographic Geoscience Industry News Activity North America Geophysics

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