Specialist provider of offshore support services Interocean Marine Services has secured a three-year contract to provide marine vetting and assurance to the Morgan, Mona and Morven offshore wind projects.The offshore wind farms are being developed…
Energy major BP and Japan’s largest power generation company JERA have agreed to combine their offshore wind businesses to form a new standalone, equally-owned joint venture that will become one of the largest global offshore wind developers…
Current efforts by BP to scale back its renewables activities have no impact on an offshore wind joint venture the oil major has with EnBW, the German utility's finance chief told analysts on Tuesday.Both companies formed a 50:50 partnership…
Maersk’s offshore vessel-charging venture Stillstrom has launched a collaborative study with EnBW and BP, the developers of the Morgan and Mona offshore wind farms, to assess the viability of integrating offshore charging solutions for service and crew transfer vessels for the two projects…
The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) said Wednesday it had won 'a significant' contract from the EnBW and BP joint venture for delivery of geo-consulting and laboratory testing services related to the development on the JV's Morgan, Mona…
EnBW and BP have hired marine consultancy and survey company ABPmer to provide detailed seabed mobility information for the Round 4 Morgan Offshore Wind Ltd and Mona Offshore Wind Ltd farms in the eastern Irish Sea.In addition to delivering…
BP and EnBW are collaborating with research and development experts at the UK-based Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult to investigate using zero- or low-emission support vessels at offshore wind farms.The two companies are jointly developing…
French seismic data specialist CGG is acting as a special technical partner in a consortium research project led by Bangor University to identify opportunities that benefit biodiversity and the conservation of species around offshore wind farms…
Dutch offshore survey services firm Fugro will provide geotechnical site investigation services for BP's and EnBW's new offshore wind farms, Morgan and Mona, located in the Irish Sea.The two wind farms, which will mark BP's entry into the UK’s offshore wind farm power sector…
BP and EnBW announced the names of their new offshore wind projects in the Irish Sea off Wales on Wednesday, as well as a dedicated supplier portal for the projects.The two offshore wind farms - named Morgan and Mona - will once built, have a combined potential generating capacity of 3GW…
British oil major BP, working to beef up its renewables business, has signed an exclusive consultancy agreement with Quaybridge, a UK-based renewables consultancy with expertise in offshore wind.'The two will work together to advance BP’s global…