Tidal Transit Starts Works on ‘World’s First’ Retrofit E-CTV

Rendering of e-Ginny CTV (Credit: Tidal Transit)
Rendering of e-Ginny CTV (Credit: Tidal Transit)

Tidal Transit, a supplier of purpose-design crew transfer vessels for the offshore wind industry, has begun the design and engineering phase of a project to deliver what is said to be the world’s first retrofit electric crew transfer vessel (E-CTV).

Over the next 15 months, Tidal Transit will retrofit a diesel-powered Mercurio 20-meter vessel, Ginny Louise, with over two megawatt-hours (MWh) of battery capacity, electric motors and propulsion pods.

The finished product, e-Ginny, will not only be 100% zero emissions in operation, but also boast increased maneuverability while being near-silent for passengers and passers-by, according to the company.

As existing shoreside charging capabilities are severely limited, the project will expand vessel charging infrastructure by installing both an onshore and offshore-capable charging stations.

The onshore bit will come from Artemis Technologies, while an offshore wind turbine based-charger will be supplied by MJR Power & Automation to allow for direct E-CTV charging on location, increasing the time and range that electric vessels can stay in operation without returning to port.

Using offshore charger technology, e-Ginny E-CTV will be able to service wind farms within 20 miles off shore by plugging directly into a wind turbine, Tidal Transit said. Upon completion of the modifications, the E-CTV will be begin service on a UK windfarm for a period of three years.

“This project is a significant step forward in propelling the offshore transport industry into a new zero-carbon era. As a Norfolk based company, we’re delighted to be working locally with our project partner Goodchild Marine and, alongside our other incredible design and engineering partners operating nationwide, continuing to lead the way in sustainable and decarbonized offshore transport,” said Leo Hambro, commercial director of Tidal Transit.

The e-Ginny project is being undertaken in partnership with Goodchild Marine Services, Artemis Technologies and MJR Power & Automation.

Key equipment suppliers also include Volvo Penta, Danfoss and the battery system from Corvus Energy.

The project is supported with $8 million (£6.3 million) funding from the Zero Emissions Vessel and Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition, as part of Innovate UK and the Department of Transport’s strategic plan to develop, deploy and operate clean maritime solutions.

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