Sea Otter Features Meet Offshore Wind Technology in NOV's Enhydra MSOV


NOV's Marine and Construction business unit has come up with a "new and flexible" Modular Service and Operations Vessel (MSOV) concept to "optimize offshore wind farm operations and maintenance." NOV says the vessel's features resemble those of a sea otter.

"The Enhydra series design characteristics resemble the sea otter's (Enhydra) unique and physical behavioral features. The sea otter is the sole marine mammal to use tools, and it uses its streamlined body design to efficiently perform deep dives to the seafloor and adapt its lung capacity to float effectively on the surface," NOV added.

An MSOV design was developed based on GustoMSC's Enhydra MSOV design. ©NOV

"Our vessel design offers an extensive and flexible deck layout to integrate mission equipment from our Lifting and Handling group and Remacut to maximize capability, workability, and endurance," NOV said Tuesday.

According to NOV, at 140 meters in length, the Enhydra MSOV's larger design allows for additional capabilities by integrating additional modular equipment, increased comfort, and capabilities beyond current construction/service operations vessels. 

"Featuring Remacut cable-lay equipment, this versatile workhorse is designed for cable repair and change-out, subsea inspection and intervention, and mooring installation for floating wind farms," NOV said.

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