T7 Global Wins Offshore Decom and Headhunting Jobs from Hibiscus, PTTEP

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©Repsol - CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Malaysian energy industry services provider, T7 Global said Wednesday it had secured two letters of award worth a combined value of approximately RM100 million (currently around $23,47 million). 

The letters of award were secured by the company's Energy Division for Recruitment and Manpower Services and Offshore Construction Services. 

The first letter of award came from the Thai oil firm PTTEP  for services related to headhunting and recruitment. 

The second letter of award was from Hibiscus Oil & Gas Malaysia Limited for the provision of facility decommissioning services for South Angsi Alpha platform in the Southwest Malay Basin. 

“We are thankful for both awards from PTTEP and Hibiscus. Since fully acquiring T7IR in 2021, we have secured multiple manpower contracts from similar energy producers. We are optimistic that the manpower segment will continue to grow in the region. The Hibiscus award marks an important milestone for the company to execute offshore facility decommissioning projects of such scale. There is an initiative for Rig-to-Reef by converting the structures into the artificial reef to enhance the marine habitat at the intended location. 

"We see this as a sustainable approach for oil & gas operators moving forward which can contribute to their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda. Over the next few years, we will be on the lookout for more ESG related projects in the region,” said T7 Global Group Chief Executive Officer, Tan Kay Zhuin

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