Trinidad: Noble Corp. Jack-up Rig Damaged. Workers Evacuated

Offshore drilling contractor Noble Corp. said that its jack-up drilling rig Noble Regina Allen had experienced a mechanical issue while preparing to move from its location approximately 26 miles off the coast of Trinidad on Thursday, December 15.

"A technical failure in the jacking gear appears to have caused damage to the bow leg braces and joints, preventing the rig from being able to fully retract one of its legs. With the structural integrity of the leg compromised, all rig personnel have been evacuated after confirming watertight integrity," the drilling company said.

"The rig completed all well operations before the event occurred, and  thus the well is secure.  Noble is working closely with our customer and local authorities in response to the incident," Noble Corp. said.

According to Noble's fleet status report from November 2, the 2013-built rig is on contract with an undisclosed client. The contract, with an average dayrate of $107,000, expires in September 2023.

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