Western Gas' Environment Plan for Sasanof-1 Drilling Gets Regulator's Approval

Australian oil and gas company Western Gas has said that regulator NOPSEMA has accepted its Environment Plan to manage activities for the Sasanof-1 exploration well on the North West Shelf, Australia.

Drilling is scheduled to start in March/April 2022 using the Valaris MS-1 semi-submersible rig, following its relocation from nearby activities on the North West Shelf. Drilling costs are estimated at US$20-25 million. 

The Sasanof-1 exploration well is located in permit WA-519-P in Commonwealth waters about 207 km northwest of Onslow, Western Australia. Sasanof-1 will be a vertical well and drilled to a total depth of approximately 2500 m in 1070 m of water, providing a low cost, high impact exploration well in a known and proven hydrocarbon province, Western Gas said.

"The Sasanof Prospect is on-trend and updip of the liquids-rich, low CO2 Mentorc Gas and Condensate Field and nearby the Giant Gas Fields of Scarborough and Io-Jansz in the Carnarvon Basin. ERC Equipoise Ltd (ERCE) has determined Sasanof has an estimated 2U Prospective Resource of 7.2 Tcf gas and 176 Million bbls condensate (P50), with a 32% Chance of Success. The high case 3U Prospective Resource estimate is for 17.8 Tcf gas and 449 Million bbls condensate (P10)," Western Gas added.

“Regulator acceptance of the Environment Plan for Sasanof is a major achievement for the Western Gas team and our service providers, XODUS and AGR. It reflects a collaborative and focused effort and gives us the confidence to progress through the final stages of Regulatory approvals and detailed planning for the well,” said Will Barker, Executive Director.

 Credit: Western Gas

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