Second Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Substation Installed

Image Credit: Deme Offshore
Image Credit: Deme Offshore

Offshore installation contactor DEME Offshore has installed the second offshore substation platform (OSP) for the Moray East wind farm in the Moray Firth in Scotland. 

The 950MW wind farm is being developed by Moray Offshore Windfarm East Ltd (MOWEL), which is a joint venture company owned by Diamond Green Limited (33.4%), Ocean Winds (56.6%) and CTG (10%).

Apart from the substation works, DEME said Tuesday that the jacket installation was also progressing with 20 jackets installed. 

Both offshore substation platforms were transported from the ENGIE yard in Hoboken, Belgium to the Port of Nigg in Scotland.

DEME Offshore, as the EPCI contractor, installed the first (of three) substation topsides by offshore installation vessel ‘Scylla’ earlier in August.

The offshore wind farm will comprise of a 100 MHI-Vestas V164-9.5 MW turbines.

The project is located on the northeast coast of Scotland with a completion date expected by 2022. When construction is complete, Moray Offshore (East) Windfarm will be capable of meeting the average electricity requirements of at least 950,000 homes in the UK and the wind farm will be able to provide 40% of Scotland's electricity.

Moray East location - Credit:WorldEnergyReports

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