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AMS Buys Damen Fast Crew Supplier to Serve French Offshore Wind Market

May 18, 2021

French workboat operator Atlantique Maritime Services (AMS) has acquired a Fast Crew Supplier from the Dutch shipbuilder Damen.The Damen FCS 2610, named JLD Jayce, will be the first Damen Crew Transfer Vessel fully dedicated to the French offshore wind industry…

Saipem Names New CEO

May 04, 2021

Italian oil and gas and renewable industry services giant Saipem has appointed Francesco Caio as its new CEO.Born in 1957, Caio has a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from INSEAD Fontainebleau…

Van Oord Starts Installing Saint-Brieuc Offshore Wind Farm Foundations

May 03, 2021

Dutch offshore installation services company Van Oord has started the installation of the first of 62 jacket foundations for Iberdrola's Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm project in France, using its upgraded Aeolus vessel.The wind farm is located 16…

Vattenfall Shortlisted for 1 GW French Offshore Wind Tender

Apr 27, 2021

France has shortlisted Swedish utility Vattenfall and its two partners to bid in a tender to develop an offshore wind farm with a capacity of about 1 gigawatt (GW) off Normandy, the company said on Tuesday.Vattenfall and its partners - German…

Updated Damage Analyses, COVID-restriction Push Hammerfest LNG Restart to March 2022

Apr 26, 2021

After a thorough analyses and mapping of damages, Equinor changed the schedule for repair and start-up of the LNG plant on Melkøya after the fire on September 28, 2020. Due to the comprehensive scope of work and Covid-19 restrictions, the revised estimated start-up date is set to March 31…

DEME, JDR to Deliver Export Cable for French Floating Wind Farm

Apr 20, 2021

Belgian offshore installation firm DEME has, via its French branch SDI, secured an engineering, procurement, construction, and installation contract for an export cable that will connect the Leucate Floating offshore wind farm to the power grid…

Chevron, Moreld Invest in Floating Wind Tech Firm Ocergy

Apr 14, 2021

Oil major Chevron has, via its Chevron Technology Ventures (CTV), entered the offshore wind arena through investment in Ocergy, a company developing floating offshore wind turbine foundation technology and environmental monitoring buoy.Ocergy…

European Investment Bank Grants $412M Loan for French Offshore Wind Farm Project

Mar 26, 2021

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has granted a €350 million (~$412 million) credit line to a consortium building a wind farm off the coast of Courseulles-sur-Mer in France. This financing, granted to the consortium made up of EDF Renouvelables…

GE to Hire 300 Workers at Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing Site in France

Mar 16, 2021

GE Renewable Energy plans to recruit 300 employees at its LM Wind Power wind turbine blade manufacturing site in Cherbourg, France, in 2021. 'Every new hire will go through an intensive training program at the factory's ‘Center of Excellence' to learn wind turbine blade manufacturing processes…

France: Bureau Veritas Wins Floating Wind Farm Certification Contract

Mar 09, 2021

Testing, inspection, and classification company Bureau Veritas (BV) has been awarded a project certification contract for EolMed, a floating offshore wind farm pilot project in France developed by Qair and involving Total, Ideol, and Vestas Wind Systems A/S…

Galloper Wind Farm Opens Recruitment for Two Wind Turbine Technician Apprentices

Feb 18, 2021

RWE Renewables has opened recruitment for two new wind turbine technician apprentices at Galloper wind farm, offshore the UK.  Galloper Offshore Wind Farm is a 353MW project located 27km off the coast of Suffolk.  The estimated average annual…

France: EDF, Enbridge, wpd, Reach FID on $2,4B Calvados Offshore Wind Farm

Feb 22, 2021

EDF Group, Enbridge, and wpd on Monday announced the launch of construction activity on the Calvados offshore wind farm (Courseulles-sur-Mer) in France.The announcement follows the finalization of financing agreements between the consortium and its financial partners…

Siemens Gamesa Confirms Courseulles-sur-Mer Wind Turbine Supply Deal

Feb 22, 2021

Offshore wind turbine maker Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has confirmed it has been awarded the firm order from the EDF Renewables-Enbridge-wpd consortium for the 448 MW Courseulles-sur-Mer offshore wind power project in France.The confirmation…

Saipem to Build Foundations for French Offshore Wind Farm in Deal worth $556M

Feb 01, 2021

Italian engineering and construction services firm Saipem has won a contract worth 460 million euros (around $556 million) to build and install foundations at a wind farm offshore France.The contract, awarded by Eoliennes Offshore du Calvados…

Palfinger Cranes for Fécamp Offshore Wind Farm

Jan 22, 2021

Crane provider Palfinger has won a deal to deliver cranes for the Fécamp offshore wind farm project in France. The 500 MW offshore wind farm named Fécamp, sanctioned by EDF Renewables, Enbridge, and wpd in June 2020, will feature 71 Siemens…

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