Engineering News


Fortifying Forties

Aug 09, 2010

Having repositioned itself during the 2009 downturn, Aberdeen-based consultancy Altra Energy recently joined forces with offshore contractor SLP North Sea to secure its first full-scope engineering assignment – for a new satellite production…

Partnering to capture CCS savings

Aug 09, 2010

With the UK poised to introduce an offshore carbon storage licensing regime, a process and design optimisation specialist and an Aberdeen-headquartered engineering, construction, operations maintenance and project management group are planning…

Stepping on the gas

Aug 09, 2010

Gas is part of the solution to the global energy challenge says Brian Bjordal, president and CEO of Gassco, whose throughput of gas has doubled in just ten years. Meg Chesshyre reports.On the positive side, notes Bjordal, there are significant…

Thinking bigger

Aug 09, 2010

Engineering and building production facilities in-house not only saves money but can also give offshore suppliers a sizeable market edge. That's been the case, and not for the first time, at Moerdijk-based offshore steel wire ropes, cable-laid…

Trouble time

Jul 09, 2010

For a while, non-productive time was a problem most companies didn't want to acknowledge. Two recent reports have brought into focus the amount of time, and money, lost due to non-productive time. Jennifer Pallanich finds out what the Athens…

Putting seismic in perspective

Jul 09, 2010

Andrew McBarnet provides a commentary on seismic matters at the EAGE's Annual Meeting held in Barcelona last month.The European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE) can rarely be faulted for its choice of venue for its annual meetings…

Vision for a billion

Jul 09, 2010

KBR, long a dominant player in regions like the North Sea, has cast its offshore gaze around the world, looking to expand its geographical presence, its offerings and the way in which it delivers on its projects. Jennifer Pallanich hears about the company's oil & gas growth strategy…

Forces fit the energy bill

Jun 10, 2010

Established in the UK last summer to improve the energy industry's access to skilled personnel retiring from the services, Forces4Energy and is already assisting clients in the selection, training and strategic placement of highly skilled technicians…

Transit top up

Apr 08, 2010

With offshore maintenance costs soaring, Dutch firm Beele Engineering is anticipating keen interest in its ‘Rise’ extender frame which can be retrofitted onto cable and pipe transits on ships and platforms.--The system, which can be used for all A0-A60 multi-cable transits…

South Pars in progress

Mar 03, 2010

Last December, OE carried a report by the National Iranian Gas Company on the key facets and status of its massive, 24-phase South Pars gas field development in the Persian Gulf. Here, with the help of local contractor IOEC, we put together…

Skid integrators get to grips with tubing challenge

Jan 05, 2010

Integrators charged with building chemical injection skids for medium-pressure applications face some formidable obstacles. Two of the chief obstacles concern critical fluid system components: medium-pressure instrument ball valves and reliable end connections for use with SAF 2507 tubing…

Current News

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