Peterson Energy Logistics to Add 50 New Staff to Support Apache North Sea Contract

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Peterson Energy Logistics has secured an integrated logistics contract with the oil and gas company Apache North Sea Limited.

Peterson will deliver quayside, receipt and dispatch, and fuel services from its bases in Aberdeen and Edzell. 

The logistics company said Thursday it would recruit approximately 50 staff to support the contract, offering job opportunities in Aberdeen and Edzell.

“A high percentage of our vendors are located within a short distance of Aberdeen Port so managing our logistics from the city will have a positive impact on reducing transportation and carbon emissions,” said Jillian Owen, Apache North Sea U.K. Country Manager.  

“Furthermore, there will be more opportunities on offer to vessel share with other Peterson customers. Technology-focused logistics will lead to improved reporting and data analysis with digitalisation supporting our team with real-time reporting.”

Peterson said that the award boosts Peterson’s quayside activity by an additional 80,000 tonnes, forming 20% of the company’s overall activity for the year.

Categories: People & Company News Energy People North Sea Activity UKCS

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