ADNOC L&S to Build $975M Artificial Island for Lower Zakum Offshore Field

Thursday, June 8, 2023

ADNOC Offshore has awarded ADNOC Logistics and Services a $975-million contract to build an artificial island for an offshore oil field project in Abu Dhabi.

According to ADNOC L&S, at least 75% of the total contract value for dredging, land reclamation and marine construction of an artificial island “G” for the Lower Zakum offshore field, will flow back into the UAE economy. 

The contract is part of Lower Zakum’s Long-Term Development Plan, "aiming to safely and sustainably unlock greater value while helping to meet the increasing global energy demand."

"ADNOC Offshore has extensive experience in deploying the artificial island concept for project delivery, resulting in significant cost savings and environmental benefits compared to conventional approaches that require more offshore installations and infrastructure," the company said.

Categories: Energy Middle East Industry News Activity Production

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