Borr Drilling Nets Deals for Two Jack-ups. Adds 2,030 Days to Backlog

Friday, December 30, 2022

Offshore drilling firm Borr Drilling said Friday it had secured new contracts for two of its premium jack-up drilling rigs. 

"These awards increase the company's backlog by approximately 2,030 days, excluding optional periods," Borr Drilling said.

The premium jack-up drilling rig "Frigg" has secured long-term contract from an unnamed client for work in the Middle East. The rig is currently docked at Limboh, Cameroon.

This contract has a firm duration of 5 years plus options and is expected to commence in the third quarter of 2023 following the completion of the rig's reactivation. The estimated contract value of the firm term, including mobilization fee, is $282 million.

Borr Drilling's premium jack-up drilling rig "Gunnlod" has received a binding Letter of Award ("LOA") from an undisclosed customer for work in Southeast Asia.  The rig is currently located offshore Malaysia.

The program has an estimated duration of 205 days and is expected to start in June 2023 following the completion of its current firm contracts and a statutory periodic survey. The estimated contract value is $27.5 million.

These awards increase the company's contracted fleet to 21 rigs out of a total of 22 delivered rigs.

Categories: Middle East Drilling Activity Asia Drilling Rigs

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