Driven by Energy Transition, Proserv Realigns Key Management

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Proserv move sees new roles for current Group CEO David Currie, Proserv Controls CEO Davis Larssen and arrival of former RenewableUK CEO Hugh McNeal.

Proserv has announced a high-level senior management and corporate realignment as the business continues to evolve and pivot towards the future energy landscape.

Present Group Chief Executive Officer David Currie will become Chairman of the Board for both Proserv and sister business Gilmore Valves, the Houston based flow control specialists effective July 1st, 2022. Currie, with 35 years’ energy industry experience, will leverage his new roles to focus on customer relationships, strategic alignment and energy transition.

Joining the Board of Proserv is Hugh McNeal. McNeal brings a background in the renewables space having worked in numerous senior posts within government, including the Department of Energy & Climate Change. McNeal was most recently Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of RenewableUK. The renewables segment represents a key growth target area for Proserv and McNeal’s addition to the Board provides further leadership in the sector.

As part of this corporate repositioning, Davis Larssen, currently CEO of Proserv Controls will now join the Board of Proserv, and David Nemetz will continue as CEO of Gilmore, both reporting independently to their respective Boards.

Categories: People & Company News People Industry News Energy Transition

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