Transocean Bags $75Mln New Contracts

Laxman Pai
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Transocean, the world's 2nd largest offshore drilling contractor, has  added $75 million in new contracts during the third quarter, bringing its total backlog to $10.8 billion with new work in the UK North Sea, Brunei and Egypt.

The Switzerland-based company said in a press release that this quarter’s report includes the three new contracts: Paul B. Loyd, Jr. – Awarded an estimated 255 day contract in the UK North Sea; Deepwater Nautilus – Awarded a 45 day contract in Brunei; and Discoverer India – Customer exercised a one-well option in Egypt.

Transocean is a leading international provider of offshore contract drilling services for oil and gas wells. The company specializes in technically demanding sectors of the global offshore drilling business with a particular focus on deepwater and harsh environment drilling services, and believes that it operates the highest specification floating offshore drilling fleet in the world.

Transocean owns or has partial ownership interests in, and operates a fleet of 45 mobile offshore drilling units consisting of 28 ultra-deepwater floaters, 14 harsh environment floaters, and three midwater floaters. In addition, Transocean is constructing two ultra-deepwater drillships.

Categories: Offshore Energy Drilling Well Operations Contract

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