Lundin spuds fourth Malaysian well

Press Release
Monday, November 12, 2012

Lundin Petroleum has commenced the fourth well in its 2012 Malaysian drilling campaign with the spud of Tembakau-1 exploration well in PM307 Block, offshore east coast Peninsula Malaysia.

The well will target hydrocarbons in Oligocene and Miocene aged sands in a low-relief structure 50 km to the northwest of the Bertam-2 oil discovery made by Lundin Petroleum in 2011. Tembakau-1 is a vertical well to be drilled by the jackup rig West Courageous to a depth of 1,650 metres in approximately 80 metres water depth. The drilling of the well is expected to take two to three weeks.

Lundin Petroleum holds 75 percent interest in PM307 through its subsidiary Lundin Malaysia BV. Lundin Malaysia BV's partner is PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd with 25 percent interest. Lundin Malaysia BV operates six blocks in Malaysia, namely PM307, PM308A, PM308B, SB303, SB307 & SB308.

Categories: Drilling Asia

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