Non-explosive wire cutting

OE Staff
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Specialist downhole tool provider Peak Well Systems has launched the Power Cutter, a patented powercharged, non-explosive cutter that is dropped from surface to sever slicklines and cables in the event that a toolstring becomes stuck downhole. Unlike other mechanically operated cutters available today, Peak says its Power Cutter does not rely on inertia to cut the wire, and therefore offers a significantly more powerful, accurate and reliable result, particularly when deployed in high viscous fluids and deviated wells.

The 100% proprietary design incorporates an integral non-hydraulic, non-pyrotechnic power charge, a contingent cutting arrangement, and integral wire/cable clamp assembly to ensure that the Power Cutter is recovered with the wire. It can cut all types of industry wire up to 5/16in heavy duty Dy-form fishing cable.

In the event that a toolstring becomes stuck in the well tubing, the cutter is assembled onto the toolstring cable at surface and deployed downhole by gravity. Dependent on well conditions, either the jarring effect of the Power Cutter against the rope socket or secondary go-devil is enough to activate the cutting mechanism.

‘Success of the cut is not dependent on momentum as the impact from either hitting the rope socket or secondary go-devil intiates the release of the stored energy,’ notes Peak.

‘The result is a powerful and clean cut, inches away from the top of the toolstring. The Power Cutter can then be retrieved quickly from the well on the cable to which it is still assembled.’

Categories: Products Hardware

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