Aker Solutions acquires IDEAS

OE Staff
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Glasgow, Scotland-based I.D.E.A.S. has developed software and technology that improves the quality and accuracy of integrity and life time analysis for oil and gas assets. The analysis can be applied in all phases of the development of an installation, from design through construction, operation and life extension.

"This technology strengthens our offering of asset integrity management services," said Tore Sjursen, head of Aker Solutions' maintenance and modifications business.

"It can be used to predict the lifetime of an installation in a more effective manner. It also helps us plan more targeted maintenance and inspection activities, and increases the quality and precision of our services," said Sjursen.

Aker Solutions' asset integrity management services include maintenance engineering, integrity management and advanced inspection and monitoring services, throughout the lifetime for all parts of an onshore or offshore installation. These services help clients reduce risk and increase utilisation of installations.

The parties decided not to disclose financial details of the transaction.

Categories: Technology Activity Software

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