Horizon oil spuds well off New Zealand

OE Staff
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Horizon Oil International Ltd. announced that the Manaia-2 exploration/appraisal well in PMP 38160, offshore New Zealand, was spudded on September 1, 2013.

The well is being operated by OMV New Zealand Ltd. and drilled with the semi-submersible drilling rig Kan Tan IV. Manaia-2 is the first well of a one year, multi-well drilling campaign to be drilled in New Zealand waters with the Kan Tan IV. In early 2014, the rig will return to PEP 51313 to drill the OMV-operated Whio-1 well, about 4 km from Maari field. Horizon Oil has a 21% interest in PEP 51313.

Manaia-2 is located 1.2 km north of Maui-4 (which discovered the Manaia field) and about 6 km to the southwest of the Maari wellhead platform. The well has a planned total depth of 2,860m and drilling is expected to take 30 days.

The objective of the well is to evaluate the undeveloped Moki formation and F-sand reservoirs in a crestal position up-dip of the Maui-4 well. The well will also appraise the producing Mangahewa formation reservoir in preparation for further development of this zone.

OMV New Zealand Ltd. holds 69% interest in the well. Partners Todd Maari Ltd. holds 16% interest; Horizon Oil holds 10% interest; and Cue Taranaki Pty Ltd. holds the remaining 5%.



Categories: Well Operations

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