Jobs News

Offshore Wind Jobs Act Headed to House Floor

Jan 20, 2020

The House Natural Resources Committee has advanced the Offshore Wind Jobs and Opportunity Act, which was authored by Bourne Congressman Bill Keating and cosponsored by Congressman Joe Kennedy III.The legislation will provide funding for educational…

Senator Mulls Offshore Wind Job Pact

Dec 31, 2019

Senator of Massachusetts Edward J. Markey has called on Ørsted and Vineyard Wind to enter into Project Labor Agreements (PLA) for wind energy projects offshore Massachusetts and the larger East Coast.A PLA would ensure that newly created jobs in the offshore wind industry are good-paying and safe…

ERSG Wins Asian Offshore Wind Contracts

Dec 04, 2019

Specialist energy recruiters for offshore wind, ERSG  has won a tender to be the sole supplier of fabrication management personnel to two undisclosed offshore wind farms in Asia.Additionally, the Wind industry specialist recruiter has also agreed…

Oil, Gas Jobs Moves from Shale to Offshore

Jul 31, 2019

With offshore market gaining momentum the main driver of employment is shifting from shale to offshore.According to new analysis by energy research firm Rystad Energy, increased activity in onshore shale basins such as the Permian in the US…

U.S. Pushes for More Offshore Wind Jobs

Jun 14, 2019

The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) announced the support for the Offshore Wind Jobs and Opportunities Act.NOIA President Randall Luthi submitted a letter in support Offshore Wind Jobs and Opportunities Act, ahead of House Natural…

Renewable Energy Brings 11 Million Jobs

Jun 14, 2019

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) eleven million people were employed in renewable energy worldwide in 2018. This compares with 10.3 million in 2017.As more and more countries manufacture, trade and install renewable energy technologies…

Atals Sets Sights on Asian Offshore

Mar 12, 2019

Atlas Professionals has extended permanent recruitment and executive search services for the offshore wind industry to the Asia Pacific region.'With the offshore renewables industry surging ahead as countries aim to achieve their climate targets…

RMT Concerned Over Offshore Wind Policy

Mar 07, 2019

The UK's offshore trade union RMT has raised concerns over the impact on workers from today's Government offshore wind energy strategy.RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said: “RMT is concerned that the offshore wind industry has already adopted…

Current News

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