Shanghai Electric's Service Operation Vessel Duo Launched

Credit: Ulstein
Credit: Ulstein

Two Ulstein-designed Service Operation Vessels (SOV) for Shanghai Electric were launched at the ZPMC construction yard in China on Saturday, September 16.

The two vessels are of the ULSTEIN SX195 and SX197 design, carrying 100 POB and 60 POB, respectively. 

According to Ulstein, these SOVs are the first purpose-made SOVs for China's offshore wind farms and are scheduled to enter service in 2024.

"The two vessels have Ulstein's iconic design features, the ULSTEIN X-BOW and X-STERN, providing a highly efficient, robust, and state-of-the-art O&M service platform to the end customers. With batteries installed, the vessels will have a greener footprint when servicing the renewable energy segment," Ulstein said.

The launch ceremony was attended by Chinese offshore wind farm developers like the State Power Investment Corporation, Three Gorges Corporation, and China Nuclear Power.

Credit: Ulstein


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