Gulf Marine Services Taps LR for Software Solution to Boost Efficiency

A GMS Jack-up - Credit: GMS (File Photo)
A GMS Jack-up - Credit: GMS (File Photo)

UAE-based Gulf Marine Services (GMS), a company providing jack-up service vessels for the offshore oil, gas, and renewables industries, has hired Lloyd's Register for the installation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

GMS said the system would provide its with a central, cloud-based "single source of truth and applications" that are optimized for the different departments to increase collaboration and streamline processes.

"The Hanseaticsoft Cloud Fleet Manager (CFM) software solution, part of the newly launched Lloyd's Register Maritime Performance Services (MPS) portfolio, will provide GMS with a seamless, interconnected system across the company's operations. Through this new system, GMS has the ability to upgrade internal procedures, including the current manual system for crew and inventory management, which will enable significant improvements in efficiency, and reduce the company's exposure to possible system errors," GMS said-

The new CFM software solution will integrate vessel operations, maintenance, procurement, and inventory control, alongside crew and payroll management, among other areas of operation. 

"The centralization of this data will allow for better visibility and free up time to support operations and client service," GMS said.

According to GMS, the system offers tailored apps covering different areas of operation to support better problem identification and management. As it is Software as a Service (SaaS) based, the system is easily integrated and there's no need for additional hardware installations or IT-staff to take care of maintenance and administration.

It is expected that the system will be fully integrated and running in Q4 of 2021.


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