Port of Skagen and Maersk’s Stillstrom Partner Up to Decarbonize Anchorage Zone

(Credit: Stillstrom)
(Credit: Stillstrom)

The Port of Skagen and Maersk’s offshore vessel-charging venture Stillstrom have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to jointly explore the integration of offshore power and charging solutions into the anchorage zone of the Danish port known as Skagen Anchorage.

The strategic collaboration aims to address the pressing need for decarbonization in the maritime industry by leveraging innovative technology and sustainable practices.

As one of the busiest anchorage zones in Northern Europe, Skagen Anchorage has since 2020 observed more than 3800 vessel stops annually lasting a minimum of six hours, amounting to an average of 66,000 tonnes of annual CO2 emissions.

These statistics emphasize the port's importance within the regional maritime sector and underscore the pressing need for implementing environmentally responsible solutions.

"The partnership between the Port of Skagen and Stillstrom represents a significant step towards decarbonizing the anchorage zone and reducing emissions near the coast and city. We are always looking for ways to support the decarbonization of the maritime sector,” said Willy Bent Hansen, Managing Director of Port of Skagen.

"We are excited to work with Port of Skagen, and this collaboration truly embodies our commitment to driving innovation and sustainability for the maritime sector. By working closely with Port of Skagen, we can collectively address the decarbonization opportunity as well as explore ways to minimize emissions to the benefit of the local community,” added Kristian Borum Jørgensen CEO of Stillstrom.

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