Offshore Wind: Taiwan's First DP3 Heavy Lift and Installation Vessel Completed


The construction of the "Green Jade" DP3 heavy lift and installation vessel, the first such vessel built in Taiwan, was completed Friday.

The vessel was commissioned by the CDWE consortium consisting of Belgium's DEME Offshore and Taiwan's CSBC, and is designed to handle the next generation of multi-megawatt turbines, jackets, and components.

The Green Jade vessel is first expected to be deployed in the Zhong Neng wind farm, followed by the Hai Long wind farm starting in July.

With a 4,000-tonne crane capacity, the vessel can transport multiple jackets and foundation components for the new giant wind turbines in a single shipment.

The vessel is 216.5 meters long and can accommodate a crew of up to 160 people. 

The 'Green Jade’ has dual-fuel engines and a Green Passport and Clean Design notation.

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