Shearwater Clinches 3D Survey Work Offshore India

Oceanic Sirius - Image by Shearwater
Oceanic Sirius - Image by Shearwater

Shearwater GeoServices will carry out a 3D marine seismic survey offshore India under a new contract awarded by ONGC.

The Norwegian seismic company will start the 3D broadband marine seismic acquisition campaign in Q1 2020.

The 4-month survey for the Indian oil company covers 2,000 square kilometers of 3D in a shallow-water area of the Arabian Sea, Shearwater said Wednesday.

The new contract award follows Shearwater's December 2019 announcement of a combined 2D and 3D broadband marine seismic survey for ONGC off the East Coast of India.

The Bergen-based seismic firm did not say which vessel it would be using for the newly awarded project. For what is worth, it used the image of the Oceanic Sirius seismic vessel to illustrate its announcement. The vessel was previously operated by CGG. 

Shearwater earlier this month took over five high-end seismic vessels, from the French company under a previously announced agreement, marking the exit of CGG from the seismic acquisition business.

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