Exxon develops cMIST dehydration technology

ExxonMobil has developed cMIST, a technology which dehydrates natural gas using a patented absorption system inside pipes and replaces the need for conventional dehydration tower technology. This inline technology could be deployed at both land-based and offshore natural gas production operations.

The technology, developed and extensively field-tested by ExxonMobil, has been designed to more efficiently remove water vapor present during the production of natural gas. Removing water vapor through the use of dehydration technology, typically accomplished using large and expensive dehydration towers, reduces corrosion and equipment interference helping the safety and transportation of natural gas through the supply infrastructure.

cMIST reduces the size, weight and cost of dehydration, resulting in reductions of surface footprint by 70% and the overall dehydration system’s weight by half, which has added benefits on offshore applications.

ExxonMobil’s cMIST technology relies on a proprietary droplet generator to break up conventional solvent into tiny droplets that become well dispersed in the gas flow thereby increasing the surface area for the absorption of water from the gas. This is followed by an inline separator that coalesces the water-rich glycol droplets and moves them to the outside wall of the pipe for effective separation from the dehydrated natural gas. The water-rich glycol is regenerated using a conventional system and is sent back to the droplet generator to be used again. The droplet generator uses the energy from the flowing natural gas to create droplets of the right size.

ExxonMobil has licensed cMIST technology to the Chemtech division of Sulzer, a player in separation technologies, to facilitate deployment across the oil and gas industry.

“We are proud to have been selected as worldwide exclusive licensee of the cMIST technology, which includes our patented compact HiPer inline separator,” said Torsten Wintergerste, president of the Chemtech division, Sulzer. “cMIST technology complements the Sulzer line of compact multi-phase separation technologies and will maximize benefits available to oil and gas operating companies around the world.”

Image: cMIST graphic/ExxonMobil

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